Friday, April 8, 2011

Peas and other hodge podge

Last time I suggested I might be talkin' about support ideas for them there peas!  What I usually do with peas and beans and the like, is to set up a "teepee" of 1 x 1's wrapped with jute twine.  It's not a big deal how you do it.  What you NEED to do is supply the vines with something to grab onto.  Set 3 pieces of 8 foot long 1 x 1's outside the pan....tie them together at the top with jute...and then working down, a foot or so at a time, wrap the jute in a continuous piece...around each upright as you work downward.  Tie it off about a foot above the mix.  Help the trailers (the vine tendrils) find support if they need it.  Keep monitoring the situation and help as needed!  If you like, you can also mount a plywood circle on a bamboo stake and run strings of jute to the pan (you may drill the pan to attach them....use your imagination!.  No hard and fast rules here....just give the pea vines something to hold onto.

It's about time to plant summer bulbs.  The soil should be about the right temp now.   So, the gladiolus, the acidanthera (peacock orchids) and others can be set now.

Too early for the green or yellow beans yet.   They hate cold...and if you plant them...they will either sulk until it's warm enough for their liking...or they will rot...and give you nothing. So it is my opinion that you wait till the soil is warm.

If you grow cukes in hanging baskets, go ahead and do at least one basket (3 seeds to a 12 inch basket) and leave it in the house till they sprout.  Hang the baskets outside before you leave for work on days when there is no danger of frost.

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