Friday, April 29, 2011


Easter weekend went nicely....with the dire predictions of my two daughters...not being able to help with the pierogi NOT coming true...they both were here enough that we kicked butt and got 15 dozen done!  (anyone that wants my recipe...or more info...please  just ask!)
Well, from last post, I'm sure you are all ready to begin the transplant process.  That's good...but we will wait for the weekend.  Well, one thing is for sure...I really NEED to get my camera fixed!  I feel really badly that I can't show you  pics of what I am talking about.  You know that thing about one pic is is SO true! 
Anyway, until then, I just thought I'd give a yard tour!  The Peony's are growing really well.  I have a 3 legged hoop support over them and they are about to pass through the hoop (with a bit of help when needed!).  Strawberry escapees are running rampant and barring any wierd weather....I should end up with about 15 pounds of berries.  (Yummm!  Ice cream, shortcake....strawberry ANYTHING!)  The crocus flowers have vanished leaving only their grassy looking leaves as evidence of their visit.  In fact all of the little bulb flowers have gone.  The tulips opened the other day, just as we were due for some bad storms.  Fortunately, the weather prognosticators were, dare I say it?  WRONG again.  I was impressed this year with the show of hyacinth.  Normally, the ones you see in my gardens are the transplants of the Easter gifts.  Last  year though I bought a bag of bulbs and the yard smelled wonderfully the other day when the wind was still.  The side garden's hostas, astilbes, ferns and bleeding hearts have all accepted this years invitation to return to the party. 
Well, I'm  off to get the rest of the supplies ready for Saturday and tomato transplanting.  Join me then.