Monday, May 9, 2011

Let the Battle Begin!

It's funny how memory works.  You would think that something that wasn't exactly a fond memory would assert itself and kick you in the butt...yelling at you "Hey wanna do THIS again???"
I guess that I, at least, have selective memory. I kinda forget all the bad stuff!
Last week, I remembered I had a bunch of summer bulbs that really needed to get in bed.  So, I headed to the cellar for the bin of Acidanthera (Peacock Orchid) that I had dug last fall.  One of the chores I had listed for myself back then was to cut off the foliage of all those bulbs when they dried. did this get past me?  Oh well, I said "I guess now is as good a time as any".  I cut the foliage off and tossed the bulbs back into the bin.  In 5 or 6 minutes I was done.  I grabbed a trowel and headed out the back door, bin in hand.  "Hmm...lessee...where am I gonna stick all of these?"  I walked about a bit...trying to find a nice spot.  Now you have to understand that I yell at my kids all the time - telling them that they think TOO much!  Uhh....ya think they got it from ME?  Naah...that can't be.  Well maybe...oh ok yeah I'm to blame!  I can come up with eleven teen excuses why this shouldn't be planted here.  This is how I run out of time.  Anyway, I did end up putting a couple dozen of the babies in bed.   Yay!  When I covered them and firmed the soil, I watered them a bit and rolled up the hose.  I heard my recliner calling me at that point and decided I was done for the day.  Now, here's where the memory thing came into play.  The next day when I got home, I did my usual walk around.  "HEY!  What the $%#@?  The area opposite the back door garden, where I had planted some caladiums was all dug up....
Well, what I had forgotten about was the fact that I have a family of weird reverse colored skunks living somewhere very close to my backyard.  That and the fact that they are the laziest skunks I've run across.  NOT literally run across you understand.  Even I know that can't have a good result.  Unless your sense of smell has been burnt out of you. Perhaps by running over a skunk.  Anyway, they are lazy because they won't help ME out at all by digging somewhere I'd love to have pre-dug for me.  NOooo, all THEY do is dig where I made it easy for THEM.  Like where I planted seeds, or some bulbs!  Grr!.  And I wondered why I never got a single pumpkin for Antman last year!
Ok, well I"m off to the army/navy store to see what kind of anti skunk firepower they might have that isn't on back-order. 
Have a wonderful play date with your favorite dirt!